When I was born my parents did not know whether they were having a boy or a girl. Their baby shower consisted of all yellows and greens. Technology has brought along the ability to reveal the gender of the new baby and the "sweet" new trend of gender reveal parties! I was flipping through The Food Network Magazine last night and saw this adorable gender reveal cake.

I have a girlfriend that actually had the doctor write it down in a sealed envelope, took it to her bakery, and revealed the gender of the baby at the party! I thought that was a sweet surprise for everyone! Her cake was very similar to this one from Jaybird Creations!

Even these amazing cake ball stuffed cookies from Sugar Derby could make an appearance on the dessert table.

These cupcakes from The Cupcake Tower are filled with either pink or blue yummy filling!

I LOVE the idea of a gender reveal party and plan on filing it away for when we decide to have a little brother or sister for Cate. I love a reason to party and a gender reveal sounds really cute!