We all loved to “Boo” our neighbors at Halloween. Why not “egg” them at Easter too? To "egg" your neighbor you will need to purchase some plastic Easter eggs and fill them with candy and goodies. This is a perfect activity for the little ones to do!
The gals at eighteen25 created this sign to egg their neighbors and it is a FREE download. Yippee!
Executive Homemaker also has a cute free download that you can easily print, "You've been egged!”
You can jazz it up a bit and leave this cute poem in a basket filled with goodies. (Don’t forget to include extra copies, so they can easily pass it on to the next neighbor.)
A secret bunny has dropped this by
because they know how hard you try!
So as a reward, here’s a treat.
because everyone knows, we love things sweet.
Hang this Egg upon your door
as part of your Easter décor.
Now it’s up to you to spread the joy
so that everyone else can enjoy.
Pass it on by next morning’s light,
and smile, as you imagine their delight!
Now that your supplies are ready, here's the fun part. Head over to a friend or neighbors house, “hide” the eggs around their porch, flower beds, and on the lawn. Don't really hide them, you want them in plain site so they can find them easily. Post the sign by their door, knock or ring the doorbell and take off. This is great fun for the kids to do!
This would be really cute for all my colleagues too. Be sure to remember that once you've been egged it's important to pass it along!