Thursday, May 27, 2010

Pretty Envelopes

After spending so much time designing beautiful invitations, I want the envelopes to look pretty too. I am always on the hunt for an alternative to plain white envelopes. I've used a variety of colored envelopes, bright ink pens and pretty handwriting, and I also love to use color stickers they sell at our local stationary shop, but I love the idea of coordinating designer labels. How excited would you be to open your mailbox and pull out one of these bright colorful designer envelopes?

I quickly designed these labels for our moving announcement. For my first try, I think they turned our pretty cute. The return address wraps around the back of the envelope.

I can't wait to show the vibrant pink and green labels for Cate's birthday invitations. I promise to post pics soon. Feel free to send pics of your favorite envelopes.

Don't forget tomorrow is the last day to register for the Stella and Dot Giveway.


  1. Very pretty additions to the envelopes!

  2. Hey Christina! Site looks amazing! No one will ever understand how you do it all!
    Do you have any pictures of the bird cupcakes from the shower you threw for me? I cant seem to find one anywhere and its making me crazy!
