Here is a round-up of some of my favorite ideas for back to school teacher gifts! I think bringing the teacher a small gift at the beginning of the school year sets the tone and lets the teacher now you CARE!!! I think it teachers our children that we appreciate and respect the teacher too! Plus, why not score an A+ for creativity!
I added in some of my time saving tips too!
Fortunate Your My Teacher!!

This idea is from the fabulous ladies over at eighteen25 via How Does She! Hop over to How Does She for the easy tutorial! Time-Saver Hint: Instead of making the fortune cookies, you can buy them at World Market! You can download those cute lables for FREE here!
Time-Saver Hint: Skip shopping around for the special jar and tie the label on with a ribbon to a treat bag or already made container of treats!
Smooth Year

Isn't this adorable? Everyone loves Bath and Body Works lotion!! This cute idea and tutorial is by Oops, I Craft My Pants. Hop over to her blog to download the labels. Time-Saver Hint: Print on label paper to skip the Mod Podge.
Jar of Pencils
As a teacher, I know that you can NEVER have enough pencils, so I like the idea of a container filled with pencils from My Mix of Six. Time-Saver Hint: Don't have a way to cut vinyl? Grab a large vinyl letter already made from AC Moore or Michael's.
Alphabet Flowers
Every teacher LOVES flowers!!! These Alphabet Flowers from One Charming Party are the perfect addition for any classroom. Visit their amazing blog for the tutorial! Hint: PLEASE use plastic vases for safety!! Hit up your recycling bin for some great plastic jars!
I also think the good old teacher candy gram could easily be converted to a Back to School theme. Check out this candy gram from Simply Savy for an idea! Do you have an idea? Please share with us!!
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